The vexercises are how I got into vidding! The 2020 round was the very first one. Here are my very first vidses:
Create a video edit of exactly 60 seconds consisting of precisely 10 video clips from your chosen source text, each lasting precisely 6 seconds, assembled with straight cuts. Make two versions of your pechakucha, with 1 minute excerpts from two different songs as audio. Fade in and out on your audio at the beginning and end of the audio clip.
Subs for the above heavily based on the translation by fwoopersongs/yjtc when the lyrics match.
Produce a 1 minute video edit on your selected source using motion matching (match-on-action) and graphic matches as your primary editing logics. Audio should be music of your own choosing.
Produce a 1 minute video edit of your selected source, in which you edit together similar visuals (this could be a theme like “hands” or “curtains,” or it could be a type of shot or camera work like “all the close ups”). Your audio for this should be a selection of spoken word from your source, or audio that is not music from your source. You can combine these spoken word or non-music sounds with music if you want! The audio and visuals can line up some of the time or none of the time. If your source doesn’t have audio, you can choose audio from another source.
This one turned out to be more of a micro-cut, with the same scene recut over and over. I do like the audio editing I did!
Produce a 1 minute video edit from your selected source focusing on a side character, making them the central character of your vid. Audio can be of your choosing.
Couldn't get a nice 1:00 cut, so I just went for the whole song. Li Qian from Guardian.
Produce a 1 minute video edit from your selected source, in which lyrical interpretation ( guides your shot choice. You could interpret the lyrics literally or metaphorically/suggestively. Once you have completed this video, choose selected lyrics to incorporate creatively as text within the video. Then make a version of this video with the text, but substituting the original audio with a different piece of music that has no lyrics.
I End of Reason
II End of the Game
III Combustion
The full-length vid (the song was just too good)
Produce a 1 minute video edit that combines your selected source with another source from a different genre (i.e. fantasy, western, sitcom, film noir), and/or use editing to transform the genre of your source text. Audio can be of your choosing.
Secret agent AU.
In a one minute video, put your media source choice in conversation with other media using match on action, graphic matching, audio layering, and lyrical play.
Guardian + District 9 (2009)
Deploy any and all of these techniques to make the fan video edit of your heart, including but not limited to your chosen source, length entirely up to you! Try to deploy some combination of the various techniques you explored in the exercises along the way.
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