Anakin fidgeted on the medical bed. Master Che was frowning over his medical scan and occasionally glancing at what had to be his file. If it were an acute issue, she'd have dragged him off already, but the longer she puzzled over whatever it was, the more stressed he felt, to the point where he feared he'd drop dead of hypertension before she figured it out.
"Skywalker," she finally said. "Have you had any medical procedures – no matter how minor – outside the Jedi Temple or GAR facilities?"
"No?" Anakin wracked his brain. "Wait, I had stitches done at an Alderaani medcenter when I was eighteen. Does that count?"
Master Che sighed. "Anakin," she began. It was one of her Serious Lectures, then. "Sexual contact is a natural part of life, and the Jedi Order does not require celibacy. You don't need to hide any responsible decisions you have made."
This was all well and good, except that Anakin had no idea what she was talking about. Probably not STDs – he and Padmé were very good about condom usage, and he hadn't been with anyone else – but he couldn't for the life of him figure out what else she could be talking about. "Um."
She frowned more deeply. "The vasectomy, Anakin."
Master Che looked disturbed. She pulled the scan over with the Force and pointed at the groin. "Your vasa deferentia have been cut and sealed perhaps six months ago. Did you not..."
Anakin shook his head. He reached for the scan; Master Che handed it over. He ghosted his fingers over the screen.
A vasectomy. Complete blocking of the path of the sperm. "So I'm sterile?"
"In effect, yes."
Anakin stared at the screen some more. Padmé would like not fussing around with condoms, he distantly thought. An oops baby would be terrible for her career and this way she wouldn't be risking it. This was good, right? Even if it was the Separatists-
"I'll give you a moment," Master Che said with more sympathy than Anakin had ever heard from her.
The door closed softly behind her. He was left alone with thoughts he would do anything to avoid.